Opening Regulations


Quick Rundown and Refresh on How Classes Will Be Running

We are glad to say we will OPEN starting May 18, 2020 at 5:00am. Due to the additional saftey measure we’re also taking percaution to ensure your saftey is as well as the saftey of your Coaches and others. We want to be able to provide that relief when getting to the gym, getting your workout done, and still being sble to stay safe by following the restrictions listed down below:

  1. When arriving to the gym. We ask you remain in your car till 5min before class starts.
  2. Temperature will be checked before coming into the gym. No higher than 100.
  3. Sanitize hands as soon as you walk in. (one of the coaches will provide you with one pump of hand sanitizer) and lead to wash your hands.
  4. Due to our square footage and the 25% restrictions. Only 10 people per class.
  5. 6ft distancing will be permitted during classes.
  6. Wipe down equipment before and after using.
  7. No chalk will be provided. ( You are more then welcome to bring your own)
  8. DAYCARE will be closed. *till further notice.
  9. SHOWERS & Locker rooms will be closed. *till further notice.
  10. Water fountains will be closed. ( make sure to bring your own water, or water will be sold at the gym)
  11. Classes will end 10-15min early to clean up and Disinfect the entire gym before the next class.
  13. ONLINE TRAINING (AT HOME WORKOUTS) will still be posted on the APP for those who still don’t feel ready to come back to the gym.

WE TRULY ASK, that as soon as the class is over we perform our regular of wiping down equipment, and head out. This gives Coach Max and Coach Vannesa that extra time to disinfect for the next class. We understand that COMING to the GYM is a distraction for you. We want you to still come in and enjoy yourself, but the SAFE WAY!

At HYBIIT TRIBE FITNESS sanitizing and disinfecting has always been a huge impact after our daily workouts. It’s been announced several times after using any type of equipment, and it will continue to do so, but with extra precaution. We will continue to navigate the restrictions together, as a TRIBE that we are!

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!
”We must create good habits!”

1810 George Dieter Dr El Paso, Texas 79936
(915) 667-8182
Get into Shape

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