Kettlebell training is so much older than you and us can imagine, they are older than even everyone together reading this description. They were born in the late 1800’s by a Russian physician named Vladislav Kraevsky, considered by many to be the country’s founding father of the olympic weight training. We want you to know about the type of training you do here at Hybiit; that is exactly why we tell you a little bit of it: Kettlebell training is a much as good as Dumbbell and Barbell training. With the usage of kettlebells you are gonna be able to do squats and presses but with a much more stimulus and muscle activation.

Sometimes its better to suffer with someone than alone, that is exactly why we created our Team Workout days, it could be; teams of 2, 3 or even 4. No matter who is your partner you are gonna have to push it and if you think you were gonna have a good time just because you are with some teammates, guess what? You are gonna have to push it more because you are not gonna let your team down.

You might like to run, you might like to use the bike or you might like to do a lot of burpees. Whatever your choice is you will definitely feel like you are in a marathon. People that usually practice for marathons they do long sustainable sessions. This one in particular will make you keep your heart rate at a 75-85% of max effort. Just to let you know; fat burning zone is between 70-80% so you will love a marathon day!!

The name itself is telling you something…

Every time you complain, you whine, you sleep in, you don’t do that last rep, procrastinate, didn’t give the 100%, miss a workout or you didn’t fight those last seconds you are not doing the impossible. Remember that the word itself is telling you it is possible. Today you should be prepared for something that will break your limits, for something that at the end you will be proud of; proud that you went through, you gave it all and you did overcome yourself.

Today we remember those that die in battle, defending our country, fighting for a better future for us. We named today’s workout to commemorate a soldier. What you will usually see in a “Hero Day” would be a tough workout, the reason why we try to do a tough and very worth workout is because we have no idea what was the feeling for those warriors, we don’t know how hard was for them at that last moment. We go hard and we finish strong!

Dumbbells is all about today, in the past you might have thought that the only way to get stronger was by using a barbell or maybe machines in a conventional gym well the answer here at Hybiit is NO! You also have another resource to get very strong and fit and that is by using Dumbbells. By using Dumbbells you are gonna get a better stabilization in different muscle groups; when you are using Dumbbells not only you are using one muscle group but more than 2 because of the type of stabilization you need.

Everybody knows that you cannot get stronger from one day to the other, that is why we came up with a name like this; so we can explain to you how is it that you are gonna get strong “PROGRESSIVELY” and not randomly from one day to the other. Milo of Croton was an Ancient Greek wrestler who carried a calf until it grew into a bull, gaining strength along the way.

Of course there is movements that everyones hates; it could be burpees, running, burpees box jump over, snatches, overhead squats and between much more than that. Not only people do hate these movements but they also hate to do a ton of rounds or just the fact to see so many rounds and reps on the screen. Remember something that doesn’t kill you is only gonna make you stronger and trust us you will be damn proud of yourself. In Hybiit we trust the process and we love to let our members know that nothing comes easy and that there is no easy way, if you want to accomplish something you are gonna have to pay the price.

One of the most important things, and one of the three pillars that we include here at Hybiit is RECOVERY. When you have a proper active recovery to flush out that lactid acid you will endure more and last longer. We understand that there are gonna be weeks that are gonna be very tough, nothing its gonna be easy but it wouldn’t be imposible as well. At Hybiit Tribe Fitness we believe that everyone will accomplish any goal with a proper Recovery and a solid program.

Fridays are usually days where you want to get your work done and start enjoying your weekend, start enjoying the carbs that you already earned during a hard work week, so here at Hybiit we made it like that. On friday we make sessions only 40 minutes long so you can hurry and start enjoying the day. The sessions are made with a quick warm up, small piece of strength & your workout.

Type 1 Tuesday Days are about to not let  your heart rate drop and about not letting your heart rate reach its peak. Which means on “Type 1 Tuesdays”  workouts will be challenging and the workout will be about targeting are cardiovascular and strength while keeping your heart rate at a certain percentage! Just like Type 1 Diabetes disease; sugar levels always have to remain at a steady level. Sugar levels always should be between 70-120. This workout is dedicated to all the people who are warriors and fight this disease everyday!

In remembrance of the 22 people that were at the fatal shooting in El Paso Texas. In their memory we do 22 rounds of different movements that are going to make you rough and doable. Of course we can’t imagine how hard was that moment for those 22 but we want to commemorate them with something worth it and hard.

ISO warrior simulates a bodybuilding session mix with the intensity of a warrior fighting. isolated movements focus on targeting specific muscle groups, such as: Back (lower back, upper back) Legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves) Arms (bicep,tricep, shoulder) mixing it with a touch of our HYBIIT (Hybrid Intensity Interval Training) our Hybiit method includes movements all round from almost any type of discipline.

Everyone loves a good big looking butt with huge thighs and huge quads, well this is what you need to make those legs and butt to grow. BottyFactory will help your Quadriceps, Hamstrings and Glutes not just to get stronger but to get that hypertrophy that they need to grow. We need booty gains to squat heavy and move heavy weight.

Our Traditional Crossfit day has different reasons and purposes to be executed; one of them and the most Important is to commemorate those that we must remember, those that gave their lives in combat and deserve to be remembered. they are call Hero Workouts. Another reason is just to feel the magic sensation that crossfit makes us feel when we are done working out, that sensation that we went through a hard ass workout and we were able to survive and able to conquer the mind and body. 

Emom is one of the many ways the we have at HTF to workout. The word Emom stands for Every Minute on the Minute. When we are using this type of training we are going against the clock trying to complete the movements and repskins given every minute on the minute for whatever period of time. In this type of workout we do and focus on a full body workout.

This is one of those days when we do a full body workout, just like when you feel fear and it consumes you all the way to your bones, this workout will make even your bones sore. We use a lot of pieces of equipment such as; olympic barbells, dumbbells, gymnastics rings, trx bands, resistance bands etc.. don’t let the boogeyman get you, you go after him!

There is times that you don’t feel sore right after the next day after working out, usually when you feel the soreness is the day after tomorrow which is the second day, especially when is a leg day workout. Welcome to “The Day After Tomorrow” this type of workout will make you feel like nothing happen the next day but watch out the real story and the results start appearing the following one, and we are talking about your lower body; we are gonna mainly target the inferior part of your body.

Two are always better than one, at least majority of the time it is like that. A couplet workout is where we are gonna combine two movements and usually two muscle groups in the same day as a combo or super set. We can do tricep and chest, back and biceps, bicep and tricep or core and chest in a METCON (Metabolic Conditioning) format; this term describes a high intensity training design to increase metabolic demand and energy usage.

Indications for a proper way to press; maintain a stable spinal position with normal curve throughout each rep, keep your elbows always nice and straight aligned with your wrist, keep your wrist always straight as well engaged with your forearms so they can have a better support and always demonstrate dominance throughout the full range of movement, do not help yourself by using additional muscle groups or momentum. this day stands for all those variations from the “press”. starting with a simple dumbbell floor press to a split jerk with an olympic barbell. All this in a mix variation of Hybiit type of workout.

1810 George Dieter Dr El Paso, Texas 79936
(915) 667-8182
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